Thursday, September 5, 2013

Today and Tomorrow

Today we live
Tomorrow we will die
But as soon as we're alive
We should never cry.
Today the sun rise
But will set later
The moon will shine next
Then will fade after.
Today the flowers bloom
Later it will wither
Then a new seed will sprout
And will soon be a flower.
Today the pen writes
But soon its tint will be gone
The story will be unwritten
Though it has not yet began.
Today the bulb has light
Then be over the day after
There may be replacements
Replacements after another.
Today we have money
Tomorrow it'll all be spent
Till we woke up asking
Where it all went.
Today we have clothes
Tomorrow we'll be naked
Torn out to pieces
And colors were faded.
Today the oceans have water
Tomorrow it'll be dried up
The fishes will be thirsty
Cause there's no water drop.
Today the fields are green
We can walk here and there
But the autumn will come
Leaves will fall everywhere.
Today the eagles can soar
But when they get older
Their wings will get tired
Till they can fly never.
Today there is life
Tomorrow there is death
But no matter what happen
We can never know what lies ahead.

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