Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sing me to Sleep

Sing me your lullaby.
Sing me to sleep.
Promise I'll never cry
Never will I weep.

Close now my eyes
Hear how I breathe.
Tomorrow's sunrise
Will keep me at peace.

Turn off the light.
Turn off the sound.
The moon is bright,
So as the stars around.

Hold my cold hands
Till I fell asleep.
We'll dream to distant lands,
This promise I'll keep.

Feel the cold breeze
In the midsummer night.
Lay my soul at peace,
As the moon shines so bright.

Tonight I'll dream
Sweet, safe and sound.
Tonight I'll swim
Beneath the ground.

Sing me your lullaby
So I can sleep.
I'll rest my soul on high.
But never weep.


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