Thursday, September 5, 2013

For the Gratitude Owed

I'm so thankful when God gave me you.
This family, for years, I've been with through.
What a blessing you are to me, if you only knew.
Nothing can replace everything you've done.
For someone like me who is relentlessly dunned.

I was a flight-risked with the fear of disappointments.
I never knew it was part of life's achievements.
You made me realize things and I thank you
Same as for being part of my life, too.

The longer I stayed in your arms,
The more I look up to you as paradigm.
I was able to enjoy my life to mere fullest.
I was able to pass lifelong tests.
You have nurtured me better than best.

For having a big heart that could mend everything,
This is what I'm always praying:
May God pour you ever countless blessings.
And for the gratitude I owed from the very beginning,
I thank you for everything.

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