Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Melancholy of Love

The Melancholy of Love

“Love is kind, patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude. 
Love isn’t selfish or quick tempered. 
It doesn’t keep a record of wrong that others do. 
Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil. 
Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.
 Love never fails!”
–1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is one of the three basic emotions of a person.  It is a strong affection, a warm attachment, and a great feeling of which you can freely share to others.  With love, different kinds of feelings could be felt-- like happiness, concern, and empathy.

We are hurt when we love.  The wound we get when we’re hurt might be healed easily, but the scars still remain.  We must be ready of the consequence that lies ahead of us in loving; for loving is not only happiness but of pain.  People who encountered sorrow after loving must not result to deprivation, abhorrence, and desperation.  It doesn’t mean that fate is being cruel to you.  You must not think that love is so selfish for not making you have what you wanted.  You must not take the pain in-depth because you will gain nothing from it.  Instead, make the pain of loving be your strength.  Let the sorrow of loving be your rod to stand still the next time.  Let not the melancholy of love eat your whole life to downfall.  Live the lessons you’ve learned out of it.  After living in the field of loneliness, move on in a better state and not in bitterness.  Love whole-heartedly and don’t be such an unconditional.  Learn to give your love the way it has to be given.  You don’t have to be smart in loving.  Give much of your love to God, and enough for yourself, for your family, friends, and for that special someone.  Leave everything to God almighty.  Never take revenge for committing the wrong love to a wrong person.  Know that forgiveness is the highest point of loving.  God’s love is purer than crystal clear waters.  He forgives better than He takes vengeance. 

Remember that God even gave His only begotten Son to save us from our sins.   He loves us wholly that He let His son die for us.  For that, we must thank Him for everything.  And loving is one way of expressing Him our thanks and praises.  If God forgave us without hesitating, why can’t we, ordinary people, do the same thing in the name of love?


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