Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My Dearest whose Love is the Sweetest

My Dearest whose Love is the Sweetest

I don’t know what to say.
I don’t know what to do.
I don’t know why I’m feeling this way.
I can’t stop thinking about me and you.

You know that you’re my dearest,
That your love for me is the only sweetest.
Only a word or two of others’ appraisal by you,
Crash my confidence, feeling I’m nobody, too.

It’s hard to pretend as if I don’t care.
Even look at your eyes, I don’t dare.
My possessiveness of you, I can’t share.
Look straight into my eyes and stare.

See this broken heart unable to mend?
It’s caused by being your better friend.
I’m not worthy of the love you have to send.
I always hurt your feelings, when it’ll end?

Please forgive me for feeling this way,
For the hurtful words I have to say.
I still have to burst out my feelings.
After all, I’m one of the human beings.

I know someday you’ll read this note.
And remember all the phrases and line I would quote.
May you realize how hard the situation had bring
To my life who is now suffering.

I bring not nor save not any forms of grudges,
But bear and carry a heavy sadness.
Though I know this pain is endless,
I need to stand and get back to wilderness.

My love for you my dearest,
Is only but the sweetest.
Could you forget these stupidities that I have done?
And live life again anew under the sun?

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