Wednesday, May 1, 2013

An Apology of Ashamed

An Apology of Ashamed

My dearest, shame to what I’ve done!
I’ve played hide and seek under the sun.
Without getting caught, I’m having fun.
My playmates are, but you, none.
Oh I wonder how this game had begun!

But my dearest, to whom thy love is the only sweetest,
I want to end this lying game.
For beneath this foolishness, it makes me go insane.
You may put me great pretenders’ “Hall of Fame”
To where people can make bashes to my name.
Dearest, I want you to know
Even if there’s nothing more of me that I can show,
My love for you will always grow.
Always, I’ll stay and will not let go
If title’s “Greatest Pretender” I may, though.

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