Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Selective Memory

Did I ever have you?
Got face of blue.
Did I ever kiss you?
Or hug you, too?
Did I ever love you?
What else did I do?
Oh, please just tell me.
I have this selective memory.


A Fool who Waits

At every unexpected gust,
The dead leaves fall.
Every step in the faulty crust,
The old walls crumble.

Long have I been waiting,
For this love to come.
My patience is now drowning,
I may be fool for some.

The rocks stand still,
My body gets numb.
I don't know what to feel,
My heart gets dumb.

But who will be to blame
When I longed for love yet nothing came?
This heart is now weary
Waiting for a love so dearly.

I longed for no goodbyes.
Never would have longed for lies.
Love should never be this hard.
It should be patient, never would get tired.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Song of a Broken Heart

It will be you and I,
Against all the people.
We'll never say good bye;
Love's too hard to handle. 

We promised that we'll stay,
Together, forever.
We'll mind not what they say.
It's us we're both after. 

I'm holding on too long-
Promise of forever-
Why did it go so wrong?
Thought we'll be together. 

Song's played with broken chords;
This unchained melody,
Lyrics of broken words...
How lonely love could be. 

Will it still be you and I,
Against all the people?
But we've already said good bye...
Oh, love's too hard to handle. 
